Voices of Bean is a community group that formed to listen to the concerns of the people of Bean, on Canberra’s south side – and then find an Independent candidate to represent Bean in Federal parliament. 

Voices of Bean is rapidly developing awareness about the effectiveness of Independent politics for stronger political action, as well as a growing team of supporters, volunteers and donors. Our newly released ‘Bean Listening’ report summarises the concerns we’ve heard across our electorate and what our community wants in our representative.

Analysis of previous election results in Bean indicate a path to victory for a community Independent candidate who can attract broad support and demonstrate their integrity. To win, the candidate will need to be able to reach a wide range of people across the electorate and have a track record on issues that matter most to our community.

We are now taking expressions of interest from people considering running as a community Independent candidate.

Evaluation of applications has commenced. We encourage applications to be made as soon as possible.

When Voices of Bean finds a candidate they wish to endorse, then the Voices of Bean community group will help facilitate the launch of the candidate before going into dormancy. The candidate will run their own campaign, attracting volunteers and supporters from Voices of Bean and the broader community.

Prospective candidates can contact Voices of Bean confidentially at [email protected]

No closing date has yet been set. We encourage you to contact us sooner rather than later, and also to suggest other people for consideration.

Please complete this form and then email your CV and a short video to [email protected]. If you are nominating someone else, please just email their name and contact details.
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Do you comply with eligibility requirements set out by the AEC?
Are you willing to share with the selection panel any potentially controversial history or views?
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