Doorknocking Chifley

Chifley Shops Playground Chifley Place, Chifley, ACT, Australia

Knocking on doors is such a great way to meet people in the community and hear what is important to them. And as we move towards having a candidate and […]

Voices of Bean Community BBQ

Tuggeranong Park BBQ Bartlet Pl, Greenway, ACT, Australia

Voices of Bean is a year old! Everyone in the Voices of Bean community is warmly invited to join us in celebrating our anniversary, our progress and anticipating the exciting […]

Candidate Announcement

Weston Creek Community Centre Hall Whitney Place, Weston, ACT, Australia

NEW VENUE and slightly later time: It’s time for the big one! After a year of building a grassroots movement, listening to the community and finding out what you would […]

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